We are very sad to announce that we’ve closed the McLEAR RingPay pre-paid programme.

Due to the increasing complexity and costs of maintaining the McLEAR Ring prepaid programme, we made the extremely difficult decision to discontinue the programme. We will be focusing on strengthening and supporting strategic business relationships and continuing to develop new and more efficient technologies. Watch this space.

The below was emailed to all account holders on the 28th August 2024, and also appears in the message centre in the RingPay app:

Closure of your McLEAR Ring Prepaid Account

This is official notice that your PayrNet Limited account with McLear Limited will be closed on 31st October 2024.

Your McLEAR account and McLEAR Ring will operate as normal up until that date.

Please ensure that the balance of your account is spent or withdrawn before the expiry of 31st October 2024, as you will be unable to spend it using your ring after that date.

It is important that you understand that you will not be able to use your ring to make payments, or add money into your RingPay account, after the 31st October 2024.

Please be reassured that your wallet balance is safeguarded. If your account is still holding a balance after 31st October 2024, instructions will be provided on how to reclaim your remaining funds via a digital transfer only, to a bank account held in your name.

If you have any further questions or concerns, or need to contact us about this closure, please contact us on support@mclear.com.

Thank you,