Free access to RingPay+ has been extended until 31st December 2021.

Our premium members’ club gives you access to even more cashback, special RingPay+ perks and exclusive discounts at thousands of retailers including supermarkets, entertainment ticket bookings, cinema, restaurant offers, hotel discounts, travel deals and more.

If you’re a RingPay user and haven’t yet checked it out – register now through the app to get access to all the benefits. It’s free! You will not be auto-charged when the free period ends.

Additionally, after registering – you can also login to the dedicated portal on the web at

Take advantage now and start making some fantastic savings, especially in the run up to Christmas. You could quite easily save more than the cost of your ring.

Check out how much one of our team members has saved already this year:
RingPay+ example savings from a team member

Learn more about RingPay+ here.